4 Steps when Preparing for your Child’s Birthday Party

children at birthday partyPreparing for your child’s birthday can be fun and exciting, but stressful at the same time.  As parents, we all want to make our children feel more special on their birthday. From selecting a party theme, choosing a venue, fixing the decorations to preparing the meals and creating a guest list, you need to be hands-on to every task to make sure everything is in order.

To help you out, here’s a step-by-step guideline when preparing for your child’s birthday celebration:

STEP 1: Choose a Theme

Unless you want to surprise your kid or you’re confident enough he or she will like it, it’s better to discuss the details with them. You can browse for some inspirations online and make suggestions, but let the celebrant make the final decision.

Some of the popular themes for kids today are vintage-inspired gumball party, circus party, cupcake bakeshop party, sports bonanza party, adventurous hunters party, and many more. Be creative and resourceful. Find ways to incorporate these ideas with your child’s hobbies or interests.

STEP 2: Finalise the Guest List

Group Of Families Celebrating Child's Birthday At HomeCreating a guest list is crucial in pre-planning. You need to determine the size of the party so you can allocate your budget accordingly. The first thing you need to consider is location. Make sure the space is comfortable enough for all your guests. Decide whether you should look for a new venue, or you just need to rent out additional tables and chairs.

Consider sending out the invitations one month ahead, and verify their attendance two weeks before the party. This will give you more time to prepare and make the necessary adjustments. Today, it’s easier to send notifications and keep track of the updates using Social Media sites and online apps. In Facebook, you can use their event calendar tool to manage all the details.

STEP 3:  Take Care of the Necessities

By now, you should be working on your checklist. Ask your friends and relatives for reliable suppliers. There are also online groups you can check out for more recommendations. Finalise the menu a week before the celebration. If you’re hiring a host, make sure to keep in touch with them, as well. Ask if there’s anything you need to provide that can help them with the program.

Of course, the party won’t be special without a birthday cake. This is one of the things that make the whole celebration more memorable, especially for your child. If the store only has limited choices available, you can try designing your cake online.

Another thing you should not miss is the loot bags. Show your appreciation for the people who made the event more special. Make sure there are souvenirs for adults, as well.

STEP 4: Have Fun!

Finally, you need to take a deep breath and enjoy your time. Remember, this is your child’s birthday. Stressing over things is entirely normal, but you should also relax and have fun at the party.

Following these steps should help you overcome the stress when preparing for a child’s birthday party. Again, start planning ahead of time. Cramming can only make things worse.

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